Lung Cancer

Lung cancer in Nepal

Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and the main cause of cancer-relateddeath in men and women. In addition to smoking cigarettes, which is by far the most well-known causeof cellular breakdown in the lungs, a family history of cellular breakdown in the lungs and certainecological factors are also risk … Read more

How Cancer Starts?

Cells in the body grow uncontrollably in cancer, causing the illness tospread throughout the body. Almost everywhere in the human body,there is the possibility of cancer because the body is composed oftrillions of cells. The human body normally produces new cells as itneeds them by growing and multiplying cells. A cell dies when it growsold … Read more

Cancer Prevention

Prevent Cancer

There is a possibility of preventing most cancers. A disease that isregarded as the greatest health threat by the public is highlighted in thismessage. In spite of this, most people are unsure of what they can do toreduce their risk. The overwhelming amount of cancer studies and mediacoverage we encounter each week is not surprising. … Read more

Five Myths and Facts of Kidney cancer

Myth 1: Blood in the urine is a sure indication of kidney cancer. Fact: The presence of blood-colored urine is a symptom of kidneycancer, but it can also indicate a urinary tract infection (UTI), which isnot cancerous. However, red-colored urine should never be ignored. Myth 2: My kidneys are fine if I have no obvious … Read more

Tips to Prevent Oral Cancer

In most cases, cancer prevention knowledge is still evolving. You’re wellaware, however, that your lifestyle choices affect your risk of developingcancer. Changing your lifestyle can make a significant difference to yourhealth if you are interested in preventing cancer. Here are some tips forpreventing cancer: Avoid using tobacco There is no better way to take care … Read more

Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Each year, Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Nepal serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of education, early detection, and support for those affected by this devastating disease. Lung cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, including Nepal, where its prevalence continues to rise. By shedding light on this critical … Read more

Chemotherapy in Nepali (केमोथेरापी)

केमो थेरा पी भनेको के हो ? यसले कसरी का म गर्छ? केमोथेरापी भनेको क्यान्सर कोशिका(cancer cells)हरू नष्ट गर्न औषधिको प्रयोगगरी उपचार गर्ने पद्धति हो। यस क्यान्सर उपचारमा, क्यान्सर विशेषज्ञहरूलेकेमोथेरापीको रूपमा एक वा बढी क्यान्सर विरोधी औषधिहरू प्रयोग गर्छन्।क्यान्सर कोशिकाहरू सामान्यतया सामान्य कोशिकाहरू भन्दा छिटो बढ्छन् रविभाजित हुन्छन् त्यसैले केमोथेरापी औषधिहरूले कोशिकाहरूलाई आक्रमण गरेरवा क्यान्सर … Read more

5 Diet Plans During Cancer Treatment

Diet Plans During Cancer Treatment

A well-balanced and nutritious diet plays a vital role in providing essential nutrients, supporting the immune system, minimizing treatment side effects, and improving overall quality of life for cancer patients. In this article, we will explore five diet plans that can be beneficial during cancer treatment, helping patients optimize their nutritional intake and manage common … Read more

Oral Cancer

Oral cavity cancer is the one that basically occurs in any part of themouth. Oral cancer can also be termed as one of the head and neckcancers. In addition, oral cancer and other head and neck cancers arealso treated in a similar way. If oral cancer is diagnosed in the earlyphase, it can be treated … Read more