Dr. Sudip Shrestha, MD
Founder & Executive Chairman
Sr. Consultant Medical Oncologist
Nepal Cancer Hospital & Research Center
Few people go forward in life with the vision that Dr. Sudip Shrestha has. Despite having numerous other medical fields for establishing his career, his courage and passion for becoming an oncologist led him to pursue this field of study. His time on his postdoctoral training for medical oncology in Nepal and India exposed him to the situation of cancer care and research in Nepal and increased his determination to improve it.
Fighting for Cancer in Nepal
Few people go forward in life with the vision that Dr. Sudip Shrestha has. Despite having numerous other medical fields for establishing his career, his courage and passion for becoming an oncologist led him to pursue this field of study. His time on his postdoctoral training for medical oncology in Nepal and India exposed him to the situation of cancer care and research in Nepal and increased his determination to improve it.

Meet Nepal's Leading Cancer Specialist
Senior Consultant
Medical Oncologist!
“To establish a career in Medical oncology in the country and to perform pioneering works in the field of cancer to improve the cancer care scenario in the country.”

Read Publications

Cancer Support
Working as a treasurer to Nepal Breast Cancer Support Group and president of Nepal Cancer Support Group.
YIA Award
Young Investigational Award (YIA) on 9th International Conference of Asian oncology Society held In Gifu city, Japan
Nepal Cancer Hospital
Founder of the first robust cancer facility in the private sector in Nepal, the Nepal Cancer Hospital and Research facility.
Finding Purpose and Meaning: Inspiring Stories of Cancer Survivorship