Each year, Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Nepal serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of education, early detection, and support for those affected by this devastating disease. Lung cancer remains one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide, including Nepal, where its prevalence continues to rise. By shedding light on this critical issue and fostering awareness, we can unite as a community to fight against lung cancer and make a meaningful impact on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
The tissue lining the air passages of the lungs is most often affected by
lung cancer, which forms in lung tissue. These conditions are caused by
uncontrollable cell growth and reproduction, usually as a result of
exposure to toxins such as tobacco smoke, radiation, and asbestos. The
type of cell where lung cancer begins traditionally determines its
classification. It is now possible for doctors to diagnose the disease at
the molecular level as well. An examination of the DNA and proteins
produced by cancer cells is usually the focus of this approach.
What is Lung Cancer Awareness Month?
There is an official month dedicated to raising awareness of lung cancer
in November. In 1995, Lung Cancer Awareness Day was held for the first
time. During the past decade, the lung cancer community and lung
cancer movement have grown and the day has evolved into Lung Cancer
Awareness Month. As part of the month-long campaign, people across
the country raise awareness about lung cancer and support the lung
cancer community.
One or both lungs may develop lung cancer if abnormal cells grow
uncontrolled. Aside from that, these abnormal cells lack the capacity to
develop into healthy lung tissue and do not function normally. It is
possible for the abnormal cells to form tumors as they grow and
interfere with the lung’s function, which supplies the body with oxygen.
Smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer, but environmental
exposures, such as radon, workplace toxins, and air pollution also
contribute to the disease. Quitting smoking, reducing exposure to
second-hand smoke, and reducing the risk of exposure to environmental
and workplace factors can reduce lung cancer risk.
When Did Lung Cancer Awareness Month Start?
The month of November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a month
dedicated to raising awareness about the disease and promoting more
research. Unfortunately, lung cancer ranks second in terms of the
number of cases worldwide and has been shown to be the leading cause
of cancer death for both men and women. Therefore, those who smoke
or have quit within the past 15 years are recommended to get screened
yearly for lung cancer. During this month of Lung Cancer Awareness,
pledge to educate everyone around you about the condition.
As lung cancer comprised only 1% of all cancers until 1878, it was
considered a rare disease. In 1918, this percentage had risen to 10%, and
by 1927, it had risen to over 14%. Over the years, smoking had increased,
but the adverse effects it has on the human body hadn’t yet been
discovered. As early as 1929, German physicians recognized that
smoking contributes to lung cancer. As a result, Nazi Germany became a
leader in the anti-tobacco movement, which later spread to other areas
of the world experiencing lung cancer epidemics.
Why is it Important to Celebrate Lung Cancer Awareness Month?
The month of November is dedicated to raising awareness about lung
cancer. As a result, lung cancer survivorship stories are being celebrated
and awareness is being raised for much-needed research. Each year,
around 400,000 more early screenings have been conducted as a result
of Lung Cancer Awareness month. A total of 400,000 more patients are
being treated earlier each year as a result of earlier diagnosis.
The purpose of it is to raise awareness?
Lung cancer is discussed in detail this month, along with ways to prevent
it. Additionally, it explains how common it is and why everyone needs to
be cautious.
Early detection is encouraged
As a part of Lung Cancer Awareness Month’s theme. In this way, the disease can be caught at an early stage
before it becomes lethal.
It emphasizes the dangers of smoking
Additionally, the month discusses smoking as a potential risk factor for
lung cancer. Several non-smoking campaigns are also held throughout
the month.
How Can You Raise Awareness About Lung Cancer?
In order to raise awareness about lung cancer, you can do various things
such as wearing a ribbon and discussing new lung cancer research areas.
During Lung Cancer Awareness Month, wear the lung cancer ribbon:
What is the color of the lung cancer ribbon? Lung cancer awareness
ribbons can be pearl or white, but you can also choose something else.
You can paint your nails white, wear a white shirt and pearls, or wear a
ribbon throughout the month of November.
Make a donation to lung cancer research:
Several foundations are dedicated to funding “best-in-class” lung cancer
research that will benefit patients the most. Contribute to the funding of
the next round of lung cancer research grants. Making a donation or
starting a fundraiser is easy:
- Donate online securely in a few clicks
- Organize a fundraiser on Facebook
Make sure your social media channels are full of awareness facts:
The month of November is Lung Cancer Awareness month, so help your
friends and family know about the importance of screening and
biomarker testing for lung cancer. With downloadable images and
important lung cancer awareness facts, it can be printed out, posted,
tweeted or emailed.
Tell your lung cancer experience:
It is a very small and special group of people who survive lung cancer.
Depending on their stage and age, they might have been diagnosed at
different times. There may be differences in the biomarkers of their lung
cancers. In spite of this, all of these stories have a common theme.
Discuss some exciting new lung cancer research areas:
While going through the major discoveries made in the last 10 years,
there have been the massive promotion in the detection and treatment
of the lung cancer. It hence has been the leading focus in many of these
research areas as well. You can hence share these research materials
which helps the lung cancer patients to bring hope.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month in The Context of Nepal:
Many ways exist in Nepal to commemorate lung cancer awareness
month. Here, we’ve listed out few of them. Let’s have a look at these
- Lung cancer screening
- Share thoughts and news on social media as much as possible
- Make donations to defeat lung cancer
Lung cancer screening:
Lung cancer screening helps to save many lives. You must go through this phase so as to saves yours or you dear ones live. It would hence affect a lot in saving patient’s life.
Share thoughts and news on social media as much as possible:
Talking about social media, it is growing much and much every day.
Whatever content you share on social media platforms, many people
will then notice it and can gain a lot of knowledge through these posts. It
would hence be an effective step tp share lung cancer related
information on social media to spread awareness among people.
Make donations to defeat lung cancer:
More than anything else, there are also certain foundation which helps
the cancer patients to get back to their life as soon as possible. You can
hence search for those foundations and donate as much as you can. A
small donation can also make a huge impact on patient’s life.
When to See an Oncologist in Nepal?
The lung cancer community and lung cancer movement evolved jointly
into lung cancer awareness month. As per top medical oncologist in
Nepal, Dr. Sudip Shrestha, you should definitely take part in the
campaigns nearby you, and help your loved ones feel better. These
campaigns can hence help people to recognize the signs early and hence
move for the treatment procedure in the same manner.

Dr.Sudip Shrestha
Founder & Executive Chairman
Sr. Consultant Medical Oncologist
Nepal Cancer Hospital & Research Center
Designation: Founder and Chairman, Senior Consultant Medical Oncologist
Qualification: MBBS, MD, Post Graduate Training in Medical Oncology
Department: Medical Oncology
Special interest: Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, Targeted Therapy, Precision Medicine